"Boring". From "Never again" series


Marakulina Asya

MaterialFabric, hand and machine embroidery
Size100 × 85 cm
280 000 ₽
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"Never again" is a phrase with which we often set limits and prohibitions for ourselves, without knowing the deep reasons for our actions. These prohibitions are often immediately violated. A strict statement about new rules becomes a parody of itself, sounds false and hopeless. Like a promise to start a new life on Monday.


It is much more difficult to treat life as a free game, where there are no strict rules, and creativity or any other activity exists to free oneself from one's own limitations. To do this, one must overcome fear, name it, examine it and let it go. Will it be possible to do this, completely unloading one's own "basements"?


This is a lifelong question. In the meantime, the works presented at the exhibition fluctuate between strict self-restraint and free play. The amplitude of their emotional content is very large - from extremely personal and confessional to detached and ironic. Is it necessary to seek balance at all or let this pendulum swing?"


Text: Asya Marakulina