Love me or die


Rudyev Andrei

MaterialOil on canvas
Size110 × 153 cm
670 000 ₽
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Andrey Rudyev's project "1:20" is a very personal, author's story about the "Spirit of the Times", which has dissolved into countless different views, layouts of this reality, each of which was created in an attempt to find its own refuge: a place where the logic of order will be at least somewhat clear. Today we are witnessing the escape of everyone in their own "time": its own mock-up of reality, glued together from memories, images imprinted on the retina and significant plots from the symbolic history of the world. The author seems to observe thousands of different times passing by in a whirlwind in one unit of time. The collage method and the complexity of the story multiply the glances of the characters winking at each other: young students of the boxing school look with surprise at the bald leaders of the SCSE dressed in moth-eaten costumes, the same fantomas constantly returns in masks of new officials, the dance of memory closes, and the carefree couple of celebrities laughs into the eyes of the viewer, not noticing the blazing behind the back of the horizon... 


In this maze of multidimensional narrative, you constantly come across micro-confrontations: past and present, order and chaos, careless and anxious, muscular and stereotypically feminine. You become a witness to small talk between images filled with mutual barbs – mutual winks of history.


Text: Liza Tsikarishvili